'Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to,
doesn't mean they don't love you with everything they have.' |
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Thursday, January 10, 2013, 12:20 AM
Fullstop defines a new start.September.12 vs 09
Sunday, September 09, 2012, 12:04 AM
I just realised how happy life was in the past. Came across my older blog post in Sept 09 which was exactly 3 years ago. When school life was nothing but funn , no worries at all. I had my sweet besties, Bff (which is now my bbyboy hehehehs) , Super Bff and all my friends around me were great. Awwwwww..... I'm starting to miss them now. They were all so sweet and lovely in the past. Hhahahas .
& work was nonetheless FUNNNNN ! Fooling around the empty restaurant w A. Working with interesting co-workers , chefs and bosses.
I must say that life were great then. Simple and fun.
xoxo, memories.
Sunday, August 26, 2012, 8:37 PM
I feel like a potato. So dead. #top #movie #war #student
Sunday, June 17, 2012, 2:41 AM
Movie of the Day :
71: Into the Fire
After a long day at work, i decided to watch this before bed. Reason why i choose to watch this, which i don't normally fancy war film, is because of the second guy from the left : T.O.P ! hehhehehs .
& It turns out that not only the cast, but the whole film was exceptionally damn bloody good.
It was about a bunch of (71) student who were sent to part of the frontline to participate in the war against North-korea. ( Which ironically, i just finished a drama about north&south korea being as a nation together. lol . And now i'm watching them fight agn. ) tsk tsk tsk.
Anyway, TOP was the leader of the student team & there's this super gay kiang kia ( the last guy on the photo) who likes to challenge him. Even had fights btw each other. But of course in the end they were good tgt but sadly they both died. In fact, all the students died :(
I almost cried looking at all these brave fella trying to save each others till their brinks of death.
Worst of all, this movie was based on real-life story which really happened long long time ago. *sigh* Poor students.
ps. But i've been thinking if every student died and the only ones left with them were the north-koreans then how is it based on real story when no one survived to tell the story. hmmmmmm. Most probably the general part where there were 71 student sent out for war was real. But the content not so , from my P.O.V .
It's really a good movie that you can't miss to watch. With an eyecandy starring as the main lead, i don't see any reason that you don't watch. hahahahs !
Good Night all :D
x.o.x.o , top love. Macau street.
Thursday, June 14, 2012, 1:45 AM
Very very overdued photos taken from last year's trip to hongkong/macau. The structures & buildings there were like antiques.It's a place that have so much to see and to stop and take an extra glimpse of . There were 2 side of macau, one would be the the old streets below & the other one would definitely be the lavish & magnificent hotel/casinos lining on the other side of macau. Those amazing tall towers really lights up the dark night.
That's my companion for the trip. Heehhehes. She's a devil in disguise.
xoxo, TBC... ... My words.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012, 4:31 AM
Dear stranger B , Sometimes I'm too speechless with your behavior. I never knew what was in your mind when you said all those nasty things to me & if I never speak up you will never stop. You never knew your limits. For once had you spare a thought for me, your girlfriend ? It happened not only once. You never failed to make me feel your reluctant in meeting up with me. But why ? Why must you do that then ? & you just walked away. No apology no nothing. Is it me, who can't get used to all these shit from you or is it you who had gone overboard thinking that it would be fine and be forgotten if we don't contact. Whichever's fine. I'm to weak for all these relationship problem. Maybe it'll be good if we never speaks. Who knows what hurtful stuffs might be blurt out. xx, lockedlips. Blink blink.
Monday, April 30, 2012, 3:11 AM
Recently I'm back to the double eyelid craze. As I couldn't stand my uneven small eye anymore and wanted to enlarge it. So few weeks back i've went to SaSa to get a pack of double eyelid sticker for $3.90 which comes with 30pairs. As usual , it's those kind of thin curvy transparent sticker. Well, it was easy to use but bad thing about it is that it's not totally transparent on the eye. If i used it without any makeup on, it's visible and everyone will know that i'm faking my double eyelid. mehhhh ! :(
And as i was visiting Faceshop yesterday, i saw that they also sell double eyelid sticker. And since they are having a storewide promo, i decided to get 1 more pack to try. hehehes.
Theirs was way more cheaper than Sasa . Originally 1 pack were @ $2.90 for '40pairs! ' (which was already damn cheap) and after the discount was proxy $2.15. Real good deal !
The quality was far different from Sasa. It was thicker as in harder kind of sticker unlike the thin piece from Sasa and it holds up pretty well. However the bad thing is , it's a little heavy on the eye and i felt tired wearing it on my eye (due to the thicker quality) . Overall it gives a better result thou. #tadah
Bigger eye me :)
& my cheeks are getting bigger and bigger too ! Too much food & late night snack recently :(
Time to rest my tired little eyes now . Till then .